Insect pests

Blue Oat Mite

Penthaleus spp.

Feeding damage. View full sized image
Adult. View full sized image

Adults are 1mm long and have eight red-orange legs. They can be identified by their dark blue-black bodies with a distinct oval red/orange spot on the back. They generally feed singularly. This pest is active from Autumn to late Spring and is widely distributed across southern Australia.

Check paddocks prior to sowing in Autumn and throughout Winter. Examine plants for damage and search for mites on leaves and on the ground, especially in late sown crops.

Feeding causes a silver or white discolouration of leaves and distortion or shrivelling if severe. Mites are most damaging to emerging crops, greatly reducing seedling survival and development.

The French Anystis mite is an effective predator but is limited in distribution. Snout mites will also prey upon this pest and help keep populations in check.

Some are more tolerant than red legged earth mite to a range of synthetic pyrethroids and organophosphates insecticides.
