Storage & handling


Lentil seeds are more prone to mechanical damage than most other pulses. Belt shifters are preferred. Minimise handling. When using screw augers run the auger full and slower than for cereals.

Stored seed should be no more than 13% moisture. If higher, aeration in storage will prevent spoilage. Moving moist grain on a warm, dry day between two silos will reduce the moisture content by 1-2%. Dry them, cool them, store them in the dark, and sell them as quickly as possible.

Damage to silo side walls and even collapse can occur when emptying silos of stored lentils. Store lentils in field bin type silos only (those with low walls) or only partially fill taller silos. Unload lentils slowly and in smaller amounts than other crops.

Grain hygiene is important. Contaminants such as insects, weeds or other grains are undesirable. Animal excreta, rodent carcasses and mouldy grain are unacceptable.

Sound sheds, bunkers and silos are suitable storages for lentils. Silo bags should only be considered as short term storage because discolouration of the lentil grain can occur, moisture may be difficult to handle, and the plastic can be holed by birds, vermin or pests.

Check regularly for insects or mould or other problems in stored grain.

Belt shifter to safely move and elevate lentils.

Belt shifter to safely move and elevate lentils.

W Hawthorne, Pulse Australia