Slugs and snails

Reticulated or grey field slug

Deroceras reticulatum

Adult reticulated or grey field slug. View full sized image


Adult reticulated or grey field slug.

Adult reticulated or grey field slug.

The reticulated slug, or grey field slug, Deroceras reticulatum is variable in colour, often a light grey to fawn with dark brown markings. Slugs can grow to 50mm long. A distinctive feature of this slug is that it secretes milky-white mucus when disturbed. The reticulated slug will reproduce at any time of the year if conditions, especially moisture, are suitable. Soils that retain moisture are most likely to harbour slugs. This species is mainly surface active.

Consider checking paddocks before seeding or crop emergence, especially those with heavy soils or previous slug problems. Slug numbers can be monitored by placing refuges that retain moisture, such as tiles, on the soil surface at a number of sites across the paddock. Counting the number under refuges should occur on mornings after moist conditions. To assess direct activity, crops should be checked on moist nights as they are emerging.

Plants may fail to emerge, be eaten to ground level or irregular areas may be removed from leaves.

Carabid beetles can play an important role in suppressing slug populations.

Grey field slug

Slugs and snails