
Desiccation and crop topping

Desiccation ensures even ripening of the crop for earlier and easier harvest, or to 'brown off' late weed infestations to improve the ease of harvest. Apply when greater than 80% of pods have turned from yellow to brown on the majority of plants to minimise loss of yield and quality.

Crop top to control seed set of weeds, normally rye grass. Timing is determined by the growth stage of the grass and the herbicide to be used. Crop top as late as practical to minimise reduction in yield and quality. The crop should be starting to turn yellow/brown and ideally finished flowering with well formed seeds in the pods. Crop topping too early can affect grain quality, causing green kernels or seed coat blemishes from premature ripening of late developing pods. Earlier maturing varieties are more easily crop topped. Green lentils can be safely sprayed before red types.

Coloured foam markers can stain lentil seed through the pods.

Observe all withholding periods to avoid grain residues.

Crop topping will prevent ryegrass setting seed. Uneven ripening.

Crop topping will prevent ryegrass setting seed. Uneven ripening.

T Yeatman, Rural Solutions SA; W Hawthorne, Pulse Australia