Paddock selection & rotation

Benefits to cereal rotations

Lentils bring the following benefits to cereal rotations:

  • An alternative pulse, increasing the yields of following cereal crops and allowing an extended phase of cropping.
  • Decrease many cereal diseases-grass free lentil crops help control root diseases CCN and Take-all.
  • Control weeds-grass selective herbicides can be used on lentils to control self-sown cereals and competitive grass weeds difficult to control in cereal crops, e.g. Brome grass and Barley grass.
  • Can be crop topped to prevent herbicide resistant weeds from setting seed.
  • Available soil nitrogen is maintained or improved.
  • Spread management due to their divergent growth and development allow sowing, spraying and harvest windows to be widened.
  • Well adapted to no till, standing stubble systems aimed at improving soil sustainability.

Depressed cereal growth following cereal the previous year.

Depressed cereal growth following cereal the previous year.

Good cereal growth following a pulse the previous year.

Good cereal growth following a pulse the previous year.

W Hawthorne, Pulse Australia