Weed management

Herbicide (imidazolinone) tolerant line

The Pulse Breeding Australia (PBA) Lentil Program is developing lines with tolerance to imidazolinone Group B herbicides which will expand the range of broadleaf weeds that can be controlled in-crop.

It is expected that improved tolerance to Group B herbicides will improve weed control options in the rotation by reducing damage from sulfonyl urea Group B herbicides when used in preceding crops.

Agronomic work is currently underway to validate the potential of this technology.

New tolerant line showing tolerance in imidazolinone treated plots compared to other non tolerant lines.

New tolerant line showing tolerance in imidazolinone treated plots compared to other non tolerant lines.

Tolerant CIPAL702, left, and intolerant variety, right, both with imidazolinone applied.

Tolerant CIPAL702, left, and intolerant variety, right, both with imidazolinone applied.

M Materne, VDPI; M Materne, VDPI