Crop establishment

Avoiding herbicide damage

Under adverse conditions, most post sowing, pre-emergent (PSPE) herbicides are capable of causing damage in lentils. Post emergent applications can also cause crop damage or delay flowering and pod formation in some circumstances. In most cases damage can be attributed to the products solubility and:

  • Sowing too shallow.
  • Applying the herbicides to dry soils followed by heavy rainfall.
  • Rate too high for the soil type.
  • Uneven soil surface.
  • Accumulation of herbicide into press wheel furrows.
  • Differences in susceptibility of varieties.

To reduce the risks of herbicide damage when using metribuzin or other products PSPE on lentils:

  • Sow at 5 cm or deeper.
  • Apply the herbicides to a level soil surface (e.g. prickle chaining, rolling).
  • Appreciate that rolling after press wheels may not do enough to level out the furrow.
  • Avoid applying these herbicides post sowing to dry soils and in front of heavy rainfall events.
  • Choose the right rate for your soil type (lighter soils require lower rates).
  • Consider applying herbicide incorporated by seeding (IBS).
  • Have knowledge of varietal herbicide sensitivity.

Example of herbicide damage on lentils.

Example of herbicide damage on lentils.

L McMurray, SARDI