Crop development

Lentil growth stages

Development phase

Growth stage (GS)

G Germination GS G0 Dry seed  
GS G1 Imbibed seed  
GS G2 Radicle apparent  
GS G3 Plumule and radicle apparent  
GS G4 Emergence  
V Vegetative GS V1 First node First leaf fully unfolded with one pair leaflets
GS V(x) x First node X leaf fully unfolded with more than one pair of leaflets, complex tendril
GS V(n) n, last recorded node n - any number of nodes on the main stem with fully unfolded leaves according to the cultivar
R Reproductive GS R1 First bloom One open flower at any node
GS R2 Full bloom Flower open or has opened on nodes 10 to 13 of the basal primary branch
GS R3 Early pod Pods on nodes 10 to 15 of the basal primary branch visible
GS R4 Flat pod Pods on nodes 10 to 15 of the basal primary branch has reached its full length and is largely flat. Seeds fill less than half of the pod area but can be felt as a bump between the fingers
GS R5 Full seed Seed on any single pod on nodes 1 to 13 of the basal primary branch are swollen and completely fill the pod cavity
GS R6 Full pod cavities At all the normal pods on nodes 10 to 13 of the basal primary branch are swollen and completely fill the pod cavity
GS R7 Physiological maturity The leaves start yellowing and 50% of the pods have turned yellow
GS R8 Full maturity 90% of the pods on the plant are golden brown

* Source E. Erskine, F Muehlbauer, R.W. Short