Weather damage

Weather damaged seed

Various weather damage in seeds. View full sized image
Range of weather stained grain from slight on left to severe on right. View full sized image


Various weather damage in seeds.

Various weather damage in seeds.


Range of weather stained grain from slight on left to severe on right.

Range of weather stained grain from slight on left to severe on right.

Prolonged wet weather at grain maturity can cause weather and disease staining of grain.

Weather damage is a general term to describe visible damage to the seed coat or kernel that has occurred during the maturation phase due to some form of weather event prior to harvest. Seed coats and kernels may be discoloured or altered in size or shape.

Harvest lentils as soon as possible.

Weather damage may lead to poor colour, loose seed coat, wrinkled or other defects.

G McMullen, Pulse Australia; Clive Palmer