
Bean leaf roll virus (BLRV), Subterranean clover red leaf virus (SCRLV) and Beet western yellows virus (BWYV)


A distinct patch of yellow stunted plants. View full sized image


A distinct patch of yellow stunted plants.

A distinct patch of yellow stunted plants.

More damaging than viruses that are only transmitted by infected seed.

They infect the aphid leading to greater spread (persistent transmission).

Spray to control aphids and prevent them transmitting the viruses from nearby infected subterranean clover pastures.

Prevent the buildup of aphid numbers.

Plants are stunted with distinct yellow patches along rows.

Leaves are small with mild yellowing between the veins; eventually the whole leaf becomes yellow.

Early infection severely stunts plants with no or few pods produced.

W Hawthorne, Pulse Australia