
Rhizoctonia root rot

Rhizoctonia solani

Roots are reddish-brown View full sized image


Roots are reddish-brown

Roots are reddish-brown

Affects both seedling and adult plants.

Favoured by warm soil and conditions susceptible to poor root growth such as marginal moisture.

Worse with reduced tillage, poor fertility (especially zinc), build-up on weed roots prior to sowing.

With late infection, plants survive for some time with only yellowing of leaves.

Eliminate green growth at least four weeks prior to sowing.

Provide adequate nutrition and conditions for rapid root growth.

Disturb soil several centimetres below the seed to reduce infection in the soil.

Foliage turns yellow and plants die in patches.

Leaves become yellow progressively from the bottom of the plant.

Roots become reddish brown with a distinct constriction at or below the collar; the main root below the constriction initially remains healthy.

M Ramsey, formerly SARDI