Crop establishment


Lentils require inoculation with Group F rhizobium which can provide increases in growth, yield and soil nitrogen balance if soil rhizobia levels are low. Group F inoculant will ensure maximum nodulation and nitrogen fixation.

Inoculation of the seed with Group F rhizobium for each lentil crop may be necessary on waterlogged, saline or acidic soils, particularly poorly structured red clays or red brown earths where conditions for survival of rhizobia are poor.

New granular and other forms of inoculum becoming available may assist in rhizobial survival, particularly in acid soils or when the pulse is sown dry.

In assessing the effectiveness of nodulation, the more nodules and the earlier the nodulation occurs (i.e. on the tap and crown roots) the better. Nodules need to be pink to be effective.

Inoculated (left) with WSM1455 (an excellent Group F inoculant strain for lentils) versus a non-effective strain (right).

Inoculated (left) with WSM1455 (an excellent Group F inoculant strain for lentils) versus a non-effective strain (right).

Inoculum can be applied in one of several formulations.

Inoculum can be applied in one of several formulations.

Professor J Howieson, Centre for Rhizobium Studies & National Rhizobium Program, GRDC; M Denton, VDPI