Lentil types and selection

Lentil types

Major lentil types (Lens culinaris) are based on the size and kernel (cotyledon) colour of seeds.

Red lentils (also known small or Persian lentils) are more widely grown and are usually split for cooking (Masur dhal) or increasingly retained whole as 'footballs' depending on grain size and market. Larger lentils are usually split. Cotyledons are red, hence the name, and seed coat varies from light grey, through brown, to black, and may be speckled. Seed size is 2-6 mm diameter.

Green lentils (also large or Chilean lentils), are used whole for cooking. Seed coat is green to brown and cotyledons are yellow. Seed size is 4.5-8 mm diameter.

Red whole, Dehulled split, Dehulled football, Green whole, Dehulled split

Red whole, Dehulled split, Dehulled football, Green whole, Dehulled split

T Yeatman, Rural Solutions SA