Insect pests

Lucerne Flea

Sminthurus viridis

Distinctive leaf damage. View full sized image
Adult. View full sized image

Adults and nymphs are yellow-green, wingless and globular in shape. They can have dark markings. Adults are up to 3 mm in length. They spring off vegetation when disturbed using a special organ under the body. Mostly found on loam/clay soils.

Regularly check for damage from Autumn to Spring. Control is generally achieved with organophosphate insecticide but they are more tolerant to a range of synthetic pyrethroids.

When mites are also present, use a product to control both pests A border spray will stop invasion from neighbouring paddocks.

Treat the infested area approximately three weeks after lucerne flea is first observed from regular monitoring on the crop to allow for over-Summering eggs to hatch but before they lay Winter eggs. Control lucerne flea in the season prior to growing lentils.

The pests work up the plants from ground level and leave distinctive damage of transparent "windows" on the leaves. In a severe infestation all green material may be removed. They are present from Autumn to Spring, with numbers tending to peak in late Spring.

The lucerne flea is a more serious pest of young crops but can also be damaging to older crops. It is important to check for insects and damage in paddocks with high humidity and moisture.

The pasture snout mite and the spiny snout mite prevent outbreaks of this pest when sufficient numbers are present.
